10-Uptown Balls vs. 11-Ziti (Final Four, Match 01 - The Dozen: Trivia Tournament II pres. by High Noon)
The Dozen: Trivia Tournament II is presented by High Noon hard seltzer! Real vodka, real juice, and only 100 calories. There's no better way to watch trivia or kick off the summer than with High Noon. The best seltzer in the game is now in new flavors such as Lemon, Kiwi, and Guava. Pick up Lemon and the High Noon Pool Pack today!
- - - SPOILERS - - -

This team is a fucking WAGON, and they are one win from becoming Champions. Can they do it!?

The NEXT MATCH you will see is 1-seed Frank & the Frankettes vs. 5-seed The Experts in the Final Four, which will be live on YouTube and BarstoolSports.com right after this match ends!
Here is the previous match…
Here are this match's answers…
