
(EXCLUSIVE) 2 MLB Insiders Offer Shocking Predictions About The Rest Of Free Agency

This is probably going to come off a little cocky but we absolutely fucking murdered the MLB free agency scene this week on Red Line Radio. Dialed in doesn't even begin to explain our respective states of mind. It would be disingenuous for me to be humble about the quality of our work product. Listening to this show will instantly make you a more knowledgeable, well-rounded, desirable baseball fan. Failure to do so will negatively separate you from the pack. If that doesn't work then let me play the karma card. Nobody wants bad karma in December so go watch or listen to the show. 

In related news, I'm becoming more and more sold on a complete rebuild for the Cubs that lasts 2 years. The FA class next year blows and the one after isn't particularly strong. The last ditch effort here is to get Correa and Bryant and there's a 0.01% chance of either happening. Simple probability says I'm better off pounding sand than banking KB and Correa coming to town. 

If the Cubs don't do anything, they need 2 full years to try and get back to the top of the division. Over that time you'll see the Cardinals corner infielders get older. You'll see Milwaukee's pitching wear down and start to cost big money. There's turnover coming in the East and West that won't survive 3 years. I don't think there's any reason to pretend to be competitive now when you can set yourself up to own the next 10 years. 

People said the same thing about the Theo regime years ago and now they're using that argument against the present case. "If we couldn't build around Baez, Bryant, and Rizzo then who can we build around?" 

That's a stupid sentiment because all the Cubs problems originated in the farm system and free agency. Way too many bad signings and absolutely no support from the farm system. Those guys are good but they're not miracle workers. It was obviously not working anymore hence the fire sale trades. So now you step back and ask about the next steps and the answer HAS to be rebuild from the ground up and don't make the same mistakes. 

What's the problem with that? The Cubs have proved to be an organization that's capable of developing and winning with their own homegrown players. Everyone's trying to do that shit. The Cubs did it, they just sucked at a bunch of other big aspects which puts us back here in original starting position. So now you're asking the Cubs to repeat a process they knocked out of the park while simultaneously asking a group of front office guys to learn from their mistakes while supporting this change with two of the sharpest young minds available to build the new club. Idk if I'm taking crazy pills (I'm not) but that sounds like such a better path forward than throwing hundreds of millions at mercenaries and hoping they care as much as you and me about the Cubs. They don't and it won't work because of that. You need to start fresh and you need to do better. 

If I don't make myself abundantly clear on the show or in this blog, then let me repeat one last time. 

Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. Rome wasn't rebuild in a day. 

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