
The World Witnessed Some Of The Greatest Ad Transitions In Podcast History This Week On Red Line Radio

I could talk about Stanley Cup Championships and Coach Q. We could rehash the Versteeg interview or get into the Cusack controversy one more time just for good measure. There's plenty to talk about with the Bears & Packers too. We definitely have our hands full this episode with meaty, girthy sports topics. 

Or I could take a moment to talk about ad transitions and why this episode of RLR stands out in my personal history books. 

You see a lot of people think doing an ad read on a podcast is easy. They see it as just reading words off a piece of paper that somebody like Steven Cheah sends to you days in advance with explicit instructions. They think it's easy taking 2 minutes to prepare before you begin recording to get organized. Or that you have endless firsthand experiences that are worthy of a personal endorsement to make a product more relatable. Everyone thinks its so eay. 

What nobody tells you is that ad transitions are one of the most scrutinized part of recording Red Line Radio. There's nothing we come down harder on than a shitty ad read and weak transition. If I'm even remotely lifeless off the top of the show then I get an earful from WSD to recut the intro. I WANT TO HEAR SOME OOMF GODDAMNIT. 


Some products come easy like Roman. Others are more difficult like personalized mortgage consulting and refinancing services. Obviously none of this applies to Miller Lite. But a lot of times you have to be sharp about prescription medicine and comfortable loungewear. Or you have to weave in DELTA 8 products after burying the Chicago Bears leadership. Coming in and out of these commercial segments isn't easy and that's why I'm writing this blog. 

I absolutely fucking MURDERED my and Roman swipes transitions this week. Like Cooperstown should be contacting me any second to see if I can donate my underpants from yesterday's show for display. Apparently they want to display the garments that supported my balls while pulling off some of the greatest ad reading in podcast history. Little do they know my balls were free and clear during recording. This sack hangs. 

Point is it's a big day here in Barstool Chicago. May not be a big deal to you guys but to me this is why you get into podcasting. You want to become a master of your craft. This is a huge step in that direction. Don't believe me? Download the show and tell me I'm wrong.

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