
I Will Always Love Kris Bryant With All My Heart & Soul

I know we've run the shit out of this conversation and that's for good reason. There's another Red Line out today that I'l get to later but for now I want to get the video back in the conversation one last time. I've never learned more or gotten a deeper appreciation for an MLB clubhouse than right here with KB. And honest to goodness, it's significantly helped me take a step back and look at the Cubs. 

Reality is 2016 was such a preposterous run that nobody thought would ever happen. Especially trailing 3-1 in the WS to the Indians with Bauer and Kluber looming. You can say what you want about the lineup, rain delay, pitching changes and managerial decisions. Blah blah blah. Fact is we're lucky bastards to get to that moment. 

I've been lucky to spend some time around the 2016 team the last couple weeks on both sides of the record and one thing has become extremely clear: we're very lucky. 

Lucky to have witnessed that team. Lucky to have 3 straight NLCS appearances. Lucky to have history on our side. Lucky to have shared so many good days and nights following a historic group of guys on our favorite team. Across the board, just lucky. 

Interviews on video are better. We have Wanny in the office this week and it's nothing short of amazing. Subscribe below and we'll be friends forever. 

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