
The Game is Being Grown at Record Levels, Day 2 in Omaha Vlog

I feel right. I feel at home. 

On the first day of the College World Series, I watched a couple of great baseball games and baked in the sun until the brink of a heat stroke. On Sunday, though, my people arrived. Mississippi State played Texas in an incredible 2-1 game that featured one of the great pitching performances of all-time, and I almost passed out at the end.

1. ESPN knows that sex sells

The ESPN2 camera guy found us early and often. They know. They know what moves the needle.

2. The actual baseball is fantastic

In my 42 years as a gigantic college baseball fan, I've built a mountain of knowledge inside my withered brain about this great game. So as Barstool's resident college baseball guy I can tell you this, the scene here is outstanding. On Saturday thousands of Tennessee fans took over the stadium and promptly watched their baseball team impersonate their football team by getting the shit kicked out of them.

Then Mississippi State and Texas had a classic. The baseball is very good.

3. We've replaced Dana B on Walk The Line

Thank God. It's about damn time.

4. The food is 3-for-3

This is biscuits and gravy from Sunnyside. With two perfectly cooked hash browns and some bacon. I'm moving to Omaha.