All The Best Moments From Week 2 of the Section 10 Live Roundtable
Shout out to Goslings Rum for sponsoring the Section 10 roundtable every week. It's been awesome to get on there with Coley, Steve, and Brynn, while having the chance to loop in a bunch of Section 10 listeners to chat with us. We've gotten to hear stories from memorable games they've been to, favorite podcast moments, and I even got a rock, paper, scissors challenge where my dude said he'd get a Section 10 tattoo on his ass if he lost.
We're doing these every Wednesday night at 9pm ET. We usually set out to do about an hour, but so far they've all gone well beyond that. Come hang out, bring your Goslings and talk some Sox with us next week!
Click here to watch the Best of Week 1 Section 10 Roundtable presented by Goslings Rum.