Stool Scenes 254 - Catching Pregnant Raccoons + Airsoft Fatty & A Message from Coach Gus Duggerton
Welp, we are three weeks into Quarantine and there seems to be no end in sight. No matter, we have lots of interests that can occupy our time. Tons in fact. Dave has taken up a completely different identity as Gordon Gekko. Big Cat is hosting horse races in his living room. Brandon Walker locks himself in a completely silent basement, and Mush looks at book covers. Everything is fine, we will obviously get through this, don’t even ask. The show goes on and the cameras don’t stop rolling here at the stool.
- Thanks to our good friend Rone we have some footage from late February, when he made a video with the legendary Airsoft Fatty and his entourage. We also have a cameo from Zillion Beers Dana himself.
- We then have an exclusive 29 for 29 on Coach Duggerton thanks to the Pardon My Toons Film Studio.
- Our fearless leader Erika Nardini takes us behind the scenes of CEO life and we get a sneak peak at her new podcast Token CEO
- Our resident nerd/bass guitarist Robbie Fox was kind enough to make a scale replica of our office in Minecraft which is surprisingly accurate. Its crazy how I much we all actually miss going to the office.
- Hubbs returns to his parents house only to find that his mother captured a queen Raccoon who decided their home was going to be a birthing site
- And lastly we have a post credit wellness check on general smitty and the soldiers.
Thank you all for tuning in and stay safe.
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