
A Drunk Douche Bro With A Fifth Of Jack and A Weed Pipe Forces Emergency Landing Then Spits A Massive Loogie In Passenger's Face For Recording His Arrest — Love Traveling!

(Speed voice) Pop Quiz Hotshot:

What's worse than traveling? 

"Absolutely nothing" is INCORRECT. We were looking for something worse. 

**Hand raised** Yes you in the back

Traveling AND having your plane make an emergency landing at an airport NOT located in the state of your final destination because some douchebag brojammer drank a fifth of Jack and smoked weed and belligerently attacked everyone on the airplane. 

Very close! Still looking for a liiittttlleee more...

Oh I got it!

Traveling AND having your plane make an emergency landing at an airport NOT located in the state of your final destination because some douchebag brojammer drank a fifth of Jack and smoked weed and belligerently attacked everyone on the airplane...AND having that douche hock a MASSIVE LOOGIE directly in-between your eyeballs on his way out of the plane. 

I mean that wasn't just "getting spit on." That was a fuckin loogie killshot. That was a single tap straight to the dome, instant brain death, gone to God before your body even hits the seat. One of those loogies that comes from deep dark places in your chest and lungs that science hasn't even identified yet. There was phlegm from a cold this fuckhead had in 2003 inside that loogie. 

Look at this fucking thing!

God I hope that was gum.

If that's a loogie this needs to be classified as a terrorist act IMO.