
Take It Easy, Lady, You're Scaring Us

Very rarely does a video shared on the world wide web genuinely scare me. Not because I’m some big tough guy or anything like that, I’m just wildly numb to gore, shock, depravity and all that after 20+ years of surfing the net. But this woman’s eyes, her calm, calculated demeanor, the fact that she got out of her car to stick her head into a stranger’s vehicle like an ostrich on a safari excursion, the fact that the government allows her custody of caring for other, smaller human lives, all of it combined makes it a morbidly unsettling watch. Even the way the light changed when she started talking about Kidz Bop is the type of natural occurrence which can only take place when Lucifer himself is present. I don’t even know what caused this confrontation but it’s clear she was in the wrong just by the way the guy in the front was fake apologizing just so she’d leave.

PS – Telling someone to calm down is 0-for-infinity. No one ever calms down. Never not once has someone taken that advice and actually found a sense of calm in that moment. It exclusively has the opposite effect and, in this case, summoned some sort of shit talking demon and put a hex on this family which will last for centuries.