
Michigan Football As We Know It Is Dead (Added Video Of Me Watching Michigan Get Their Dicks Stomped In With Fatboy Big Ev Yelling In My Face)

Here is the thing about being a Michigan Man. You need to be a man of integrity, honor and morality. And as such it’s time for me to admit that the Michgan football we know is dead. The program we remember from Bo Schembeckler and Lloyd Carr is dead. I’m not even sure you can called Ohio vs. Michigan a rivalry game anymore. Sure both teams hate each other but when one team kicks the shit out of the other team every single year that’s not a true rivalry. And frankly I don’t know what the answer is. Lots of Michigan fans are calling for Jon Harbaugh’s head. I certainly understand the frustration as Harbaugh seems to be stuck in the 1940’s with his play calling and seems incapable of competing with Ohio, but who are we going to get that is any better? At least Michigan is competitive with the rest of the Big 10 again. At this point that’s all we can really hope for. We are basically Wisconsin or Northwestern with winged helmets. We are a very good academic school with a decent football team that gets fat on Minnesota and Indiana and should be happy to win a bowl game. I’ve defended Michigan for the past decade calling it a glamour program but we just aren’t. That’s living in the past. We should never expect to beat a really good team because we’re not that good ourselves. Those are just the hard facts.

Now would I trade rooting for Ohio more than us? Of course not. I’d rather lose with integrity than win with convicts and criminals. I couldn’t stomach rooting for a program that sweeps domestic violence and other crimes against humanity under the rug in the name of winning football games. For guys like Big Ev that may be okay, but not for me. I’m just going to have to accept that fact that we may not be great at college football, but at least I can still hold my head high when it comes to basic human decency. If that’s what being a Michigan Man means nowadays so be it. I may not get to enjoy a National Championship but at least I can look myself in the mirror in the mornings.