
Flashback To One Of The Greatest Moments In Barstool History - The RnR Mural In Youngstown Ohio


I still to this day feel like this was a deleted scene from The Office because it was just so unbelievable. Office Manager Brett hyped it up so much, acting like there was going to be a marching band, the mayor, a ticker tape parade, the whole nine yards. Dave was practicing lines to give to the local news. Instead, it was mural Dave unknowingly paid $2,000 to have painted in a back alley in Youngstown, Ohio which was attended by 2 dogs and a lost delivery man. In a weird way, it could not have gone more perfectly.

There’s no mural this time, but you do have this guy’s wife who shot him:

Welcome to the Jungle Jess:

And of course, Raccoon Boy:

Best $20 money can buy.