
Holding Santa Over Your Kids' Heads During Christmas Time Is A Life Saver


I’ll hold Santa over my kid’s heads in a heartbeat. Don’t wanna eat your dinner? Good. Naughty list. Don’t wanna brush your teeth? I’m gonna call Santa. Don’t wanna shut the fuck up while I’m driving? Santa is catching an email in his box. Don’t wanna eat your fish? I’m gonna kill myself.

But, there’s a line. I’m not gonna light my kids’ empty presents on fucking fire. That’s a crazy person move. You can’t do that. Sure, it would be funny for a second but there is NO WAY that your wife or girlfriend would ever get on board with that. Not only do your kids think you are Satan but so does your wife. Christmas is ruined.

This week on Podfathers’ we talk about Christmas as a dad. KFC is going through his first Christmas process as a dad. Clem is going through his second Christmas. I’m on my 11th. No big deal. We are all gonna fuck it up just listen and you’ll hear why.

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