
Mario Lopez Always Brings Positive Vibes Wherever He Goes

On today's Pardon My Take... MARIO LOPEZ! The actor and host joined Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter on today's show to discuss his role in "Saved By The Bell," being on hotel TV screens, and much more. The guys also got into it regarding the positive vibes that Lopez always brings to the table. How is he able to consistently have such a great attitude day in and day out? Let's hear from him:

Mr. Commenter: You always have a good, positive energy about you, which is why I think people invite you into their homes. And you're a good choice for hosting anything, really. People like to see you, they get a good vibe from you all the time. But as an individual, you're a human being. And I have to imagine that there are bad days that you have. There are days where you might not be in a great mood, but it's always cognizant that you have to be, you know, a friendly, warm, engaging personality. Is there something that you do if you're having a bad day? Like, how do you burn that off? I've always wondered that about people that work day in and day out doing these hosting type of shows. How do you get past that and move into a place where you can be the person that people want to watch on TV?

Mario Lopez: Yeah, that's a good question. You know, for the most part, I am a pretty happy guy. Because being a former child actor, I recognize in a scene firsthand that a lot of people aren't able to make that transition to be taken serious into work. So, I thank God every day and I don't take it for granted, and I've always had sort of that hustler mentality that... we don't grow up with money, and you start making a little bit, you have two attitudes, you can either kind of be very flossy and kind of flaunt it around, or you can kind of keep it, be like, "Oh shit, this can all go away like that." And I'm going to save it for a rainy day, and I continue to have guarded optimism, even though being as busy as I am.

Mario Lopez: So, I think maintaining that hustle mentality, I feel very grateful for everything that I do and I also love what I do. I love the world of entertainment. I love movies, I love TV, I love music. I like talking to people and I like hosting whether it's a national TV show, a radio show or it's like game night at my house or bocce tournament or just having people over, I like making sure everybody's having a good time. I like to have a drink and you know, I like to make sure everyone's kind of having fun. So, I essentially just kind of carry that over into my job. You know, there's sometimes you're fighting with the old lady or something, and you've just got to be professional, just kind of got to remember, and take a timeout, and then get your act together.

Mr. Cat: It is an incredible skill. I think that hosting is one of those jobs that people take it for granted when they're watching it, because the job of a host is to make it look effortless. You know what I mean? By nature, when you do your job well, everyone's like, "I could do that job." But it really is, like, I always watch hosts and I'm always like, "Man, that's got to be tough." Like PFT said, just be positive all the time, be happy, because people invite you into their homes. They don't want to invite negative energy into their home.

Mario Lopez: No, you're absolutely right. And I think it's got to be, you've got to be that person naturally. I don't think you can, if someone doesn't have that personality, then it's never going to work, because people are smart, and they can sense if you're being authentic or being organic in that way, and they'll catch on. So, I think it's either in you or it's not.


What a great guy. If everyone carried themselves the way that Mario Lopez does, the positive vibes would be everywhere. He seems like one of those celebrities that no matter how familiar you are with him, it's very hard to dislike him. The full interview on today's show was awesome. Take a listen to start off the weekend.