
The Knicks Are So Fucked Tonight Against The Bulls

Not much to say that isn't in the title right there. The Knicks are fucked tonight because the Bulls are back. Red Line Radio has responded accordingly and taken on the large endeavor of transitioning into a Bulls podcast. I don't know if anyone saw it coming but we're here. 

Presently I'm in the laboratory running my simulations and doing the calculations on the super computers trying to get a sharp number coming. Legend has it we've got a boost on the sportsbook and a merch drop that will get your grandma's panties wet. Gross but true. 

Anyways, Thibs comes home tonight which is a perfect distraction from the humiliation wrought on by the Blackhakws. Chief gives some insightful takes on the last decade+ following the organization and going through the entire report. 

Most of the focus for us is shifting back to the hardwood for first time long time. Feels good. 

Follow RLR for all your Bulls takes. 

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