
We Threw It Back To The Pre Barstool Days This Week On Red Line Radio

This week on Red Line Radio Carl and I threw it back to the days of the two of us wheeling and dealing prior to joining the pirate ship full time. We did lots of dumb shit, and by lots of dumb shit, I mean we were so desperate for content we didn't say no to anything. A lot of of was bad and even cringeworthy, if we're being honest, but we also developed a little bit of a relationship with the Chicago Dogs and Chicago Bandits who both do an A+ job from an entertainment perspective out in Rosemont. 

I forget exactly how it was set up, but long story short the Chicago Bandits professional fast pitch team invited us to a game and said I'd be able to take an at bat Jennie Finch. This never happened as Jennie chickened out after she realized that I was a division 3 superstar bullpen catcher. 

But Kelsey Nunley stepped up. After watching Kelsey on YouTube and forming my own personal scouting report on her, I had a feeling I was going to hit a ball onto 294 against her later that day. I KNEW I was going to hit a ball onto 294 against her when I took a few practice ABs against UIC's ace earlier in the day:

That ended swiftly when I almost took her face off (literally). 

But then when we got to the stadium the Bandits supplied Carl and I with (also literally) an entire fridge stocked to the brim with great tasting, less filling Miller Lite and I was inebriated for my AB against Kelsey.

Here's the full video below:

Ahhhh the days of being young, skinnier, and more athletic. Barstool has aged me about 20 years in the 3 I've been full time. That's okay though. Listen to this episode:

Was good having Big Cat on as always and we're ready to sink or swim with our ginger QB this year. Let's ride!