
Should RA & Large Go Wander Around Ireland Just To Drink & "Make Content"?

RA of Spittin' Chiclets came on the pod today and he proposed, what he believes could be, one of Barstool's best business/content plans of all time. The plan? Basically RA wants to wander a round Ireland with Large to drink & explore around. Two of Barstool's funniest & most wholesome bloggers just hobbling around the streets of Ireland.  

5 days. 2 dudes. Ireland. 

As RA describes the plan: "You're going to have two funny guys go around eating and drinking on probably west of Ireland and go to all these little hole-in-the-wall spots. I think we can make a plan. Almost like you wake up and go to a pub and then something might happen that day. I think there's tons of potential for  good content."

Next up is to get Erika & Dave's permission. Should they go?  

Other than begging Erika to go hang out in Ireland with Large, he also came on and shared his story about how he got to Barstool, how Barstool's changed throughout the years, his time with Spittin' Chiclets, and everything he's excited to get started working on. Starting out as an intern for 10 years, his story is pretty unique. 

Watch the episode to get RA's Barstool Story & Ireland plan here: