
THIS LEAGUE Is Here Just In Time For ALL The NBA Drama

A little background: 

At the age of 6, I became a massive Portland Trailblazer fan… mostly because of my mom. She LIVED AND DIED for Clyde. And from there my love of the league and the game sort of took off. Playing basketball and watching basketball became the largest chunk of how I spent my childhood all the way until I got to college. Then, it was drinking and watching basketball. 

Later, I got the chance to cover the league as a journalist and really took interest in the storylines that make the NBA the greatest soap opera on earth. Of course, if you’re a big J, talking about the drama or trying to make jokes about the ludicrous nature of it is looked down upon. Other journalists shame you for “going for the low hanging fruit”. I got a secret to tell you. I LIVE for low hanging fruit. 

And I always had aspirations of having the chance to put a spin on talking about the league and especially the THIS LEAGUE moments that make NBA twitter one of the funniest silos on the internet. Making it have a soundtrack feel is something I really wanted to do too, given my early love and background in music. 

So once I got my idea greenlit by Dave, I decided to do it like if I was playing around in my mom’s basement with my friends. Cracking jokes, playing music, and having a good ass time. 

I know it’s not Mickstape, and frankly, I’m not trying to fill that space. I loved what Coley and Tyler did and I’m sad it’s gone but even if it were still alive, this pod still would have filled a need on our network. In fact, in 2019, before I got hired here in my first meeting, the main point of discussion was Barstool's need to enter the NBA space and how I could help. A show that is focused on NBA basketball and the soap opera that is the league with interviews with players, coaches entertainers, etc...

Here’s a litmus test for whether you’ll like THIS LEAGUE... If you find Andre Drummond’s handles and failed shot attempt funny, chances are you’ll enjoy this pod. 


If you get your feelings hurt easily, think a woman shouldn’t voice her strong opinions about sports, or are looking for strict X’s and O’s then THIS LEAGUE might not be for you.

If you have a burner account and spend time spitting hate on Twitter or in the comment section… THIS LEAGUE is definitely not for you. 

It was roughly a month from inception to pilot to drop date and I have to say, even though there’s some things we’re going to fix and of course, we’ll adapt and change with time, I’m extremely excited to announce that the first episode of THIS LEAGUE is LIVE. 

Episodes come out Mondays and Fridays. Fridays have Voicemails so if you want to call and ask me ANYTHING here’s the number: ‪(503) 489-8055‬

PLEASE Subscribe, Rate, and Review. And NO TROLLING. 

PS: THIS LEAGUE merch is LIVE as well. Go get either an NBA Jam hoodie or the Finals Script in Miami Vice colors. 

This is what you can expect: