
93 Year Young Woman Pleas For One Thing While Locked Down: Beer.

Stocking up while you're locked down is a difficult task for everyone during these crazy times.  Many of us aren't only in need of food and toilet paper but need things like various drugs, drinks, and deadly weapons (see Unboxing 1 through whatever number Dave is at now) to satisfy all our vices.  

But one beautiful young lady in Seminole, PA, took the internet by storm this week when she was snapped with a cold one in one hand and a sign in the other that read "I NEED MORE BEER!!" 

Local beer hero and CEO of Zillion Beers, Dana B had this to say...

While speaking with reporters, 93-year-old Olive Veronesi said "I have a beer every night! I've got some in now…" and went on to offer the reporters some.  She continued to say that her love of beer is "Something to relax, you know? I think it's nice - something for a young lady!" 

And she's not the only one looking to #LOCKDOWNTURNUP during quarantine, this spry young man was featured on the Barstool IG page just looking for a little taste of God's sweet ganja.  

It hasn't been reported whether this man got his fix, but for Olive, her little sign had a huge payoff.  Other than her family restocking her fridge, even some beer companies have offered to help out, and a potential sponsorship may be in the works…

Get the full story covered on today's episode (above and below) and hear more like it Monday - Friday, on Hard Factor News. Your daily dose of News Cocaine. 

Also, check out today's ELECTRIC interview with gun totin', weed smokin', Tax evadin', Presidential Candidate John McAfee below.  


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