
Matt Walsh Tries to Convince MILF Connoisseur Kirk Minihane the Feds Should Ban Internet Porn - Kirk Minihane Show

Conservative blogger Matt Walsh joined the Kirk Minihane Show today in a (some would say futile) attempt to convince Minihane, who has been outspoken about his affinity for porn, that the federal government should shutdown internet smut. Walsh joins at 2:16:00. On a related note, next week we'll have on legendary MILF porn star Brandi Love… Also on today's show: Minihane's old partner Gerry Callahan hits some stumbling blocks with the release of his new podcast, Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini did an interview on the Minifan Show, a WEEI morning host made some jokes this morning that would have gotten Minihane condemned to an eternity of sensitivity training, and the Minifans discover more than three decade old footage of a young Kirk cosplaying Star Trek.

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