
Andrew Dice Clay Tells Kirk Minihane Jerry Seinfeld is a Pussy

Andrew Dice Clay, the legendary funnyman and actor, thinks Jerry Seinfeld has gone soft.

"I think he's a pussy in a lot of ways," Dice told Kirk Minihane on Friday's episode of the Kirk Minihane Show.

On Bill Cosby, a guy who ripped Dice throughout the 1980s, Dice said he doesn't think about him at all these days.

"I couldn't care less about him, really," he said. "Who the fuck wants to be in jail at that age?"

The 61-year-old comedian, who is prepping to go on tour with Roseanne Barr, also defended Dave Chappelle, gave fatherly advice for teaching your sons about porn, talked about his role in "A Star is Born," and admitted that he doesn't really believe in using calendars to keep track of time.

The interview starts at 12:40.