
PUTY’S WORLD CUP PODCAST – R16 Recap & QF Qraziness

Sam’s Safe Space for Soccer Stoolies


Hi haters™ (and a big hello to jogo bonito lovers),

If you need to be sold on this edition of the World Cup at this point you quite simply either haven’t been paying attention or are proactively forcing yourself not to like soccer. Goals? Tons. Buzzer beaters? Yep. Flopping? Okay maybe a lil. Great soccer? So much. Drama? All of it.

Belgium/Japan and France/Argentina were some of the best Round of 16 games you could ever imagine. Uruguay vs Portugal was a high quality game with some of the prettiest goals you’ll ever see.

Sheadder (he called it tho)

Spain/Russia, Croatia/Denmark and England/Colombia made up for some in-game highs and lows with ball-tinglingly compelling finishes.

Has every game been incredible? No, of course not. Lezbe honest. Sweden/Switzerland was a snoozefest. But seven compelling games out of eight? Not too bad.

And we haven’t even begun the quarterfinals yet! As if it is even in question, the games on the immediate horizon are not too shabby: Uruguay/France (yes please)… Brazil/Belgium (boner material)… Croatia/Russia (international incident waiting to happen.)… England/Sweden (yikes). My goodness gracious.


Looking for a little more in-depth rundown of the games that were and a more serious preview (with predictions) of the incredible quarterfinals directly ahead? Well, folks, I’ve got some good news because the latest edition of PUTY’S WORLD CUP PODCAST – featuring John Feitelberg and Jimmy Conrad – just dropped where we discuss everything you need to know and (literally) nothing you don’t.

As if you needed any more reason to give it a shot, just a quick reminder that this is the one and only World Cup podcast officially sanctioned by Barstool SPORTS and unofficially authorized by President Puty himself.



Just to tie a little bow on it, I cannot stress how big tomorrow is. The games are gonna be incredible. Uruguay/France followed by Belgium/Brazil. WOW. Call in sick, take a half day, tell your boss to fuck off… do whatever you need to watch these games because this is as good as soccer gets, folks – for the time being until the USMNT takes over the world, anyway.


Samuel Army