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Kate Upton And Verlander Having A Nice Little Meal At Tavern On Rush This Afternoon

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I have a question. Why the fuck is Kate Upton with Justin Verlander on basically every road trip now? Is she demanding that she tags along? Or is Verlander one of those guys always afraid his girlfriend is cheating so he never lets her out of his sights? Weird. I thought the best part of being a baseball player was that you’re in a different city every week. Road Beef Central. Well not when you have to constantly be taking your girlfriend out to lunch and placating her needs. Clean it up Verlander, also you sort of suck at pitching now and I don’t think having that happen the same year that your girlfriend is constantly around is a coincidence. Just saying.




I never understood why out of town athletes only eat in the Viagra triangle, it’s probably the only place in the city you will 100% get hassled for pictures and autographs by tourists and sleazeballs.