
Kent State Girl Graduates With A "Come and Get It" Cap And Possibly The Biggest Gun I've Ever Seen Not Attached To A Tank

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I’m not going to talk about gun control.  I’m not going to offer any opinions on the matter.  I’m already balls deep in an Israel vs. Palestine argument with Francis and I don’t have the bandwidth to spread myself any thinner intellectually.  Kait Meow is a big proponent of campus carry.  We’re talking BIG proponent.  Look at the size of that fucking gun!

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Feel like she could have made her point with something a little more low key than the fucking sniper rifle from Halo, but then again, that’s what she was trying to do: make a statement.  Certainly caught my attention with that 5 foot long BEAST of a weapon.   Gotta think she kind of has a point with the whole “deterrent” argument of Campus Carry too.  Maybe I’m a coward but if I’m heading over to shoot up a college I’m having big time second thoughts if I see little blondes in white sundresses walking around the quad with fucking scoped rifles straight out of Fortnite.   I will not be Coming to Take It.

Also a lot of kids are stumped when they graduate and have no idea what their career path is.  Kait’s got a front office job with the NRA lined up starting like, tomorrow after these things go viral.

“I graduated and the Left did not win.”

Wayne LaPierre is literally cumming.