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Eli Manning's Memorabilia Case Reached A Settlement And All Is Well In Giantsland


ESPN- New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning and the team have settled a lawsuit that accused them of selling bogus “game-worn” equipment to unsuspecting collectors as part of a long-running scam. On Monday, the attorneys for both sides issued a joint statement that read: “[Plaintiffs] Eric Inselberg, Michael Jakab and Sean Godown have resolved all claims in their pending litigation against the New York Giants, Eli Manning, John Mara, William Heller, Joseph Skiba, Edward Skiba and Steiner Sports, in accordance with a confidential settlement agreement reached today. The compromise agreement, entered into by all parties, should not be viewed as supporting any allegations, claims or defenses.”

“All parties are grateful to have the matter, which began in 2014, concluded and are now focused on football, the fans and the future,” the statement added.

Inselberg filed the lawsuit in 2014, claiming that two helmets purchased by Inselberg and the two other plaintiffs — including one helmet purportedly used by Manning during the Giants’ 2007 Super Bowl season — were bogus. Inselberg said photographic experts using a technique called “photomatching” could not find evidence that the helmets were ever used in games. The Giants and Manning had contended that photomatching is unreliable because it does not take into account that helmets are routinely reconditioned during or after a season, evidence of which might be found on the inside of the helmet and not the outside.

The stakes were raised in the lawsuit in April 2017, when Inselberg’s attorneys filed court documents that contained emails between Manning and equipment manager Skiba, who was also a defendant in the lawsuit. In one email, Manning asked Skiba to get “2 helmets that can pass as game used.”

When the emails went public last year, Manning angrily denied any wrongdoing. In a court filing this month, Manning’s attorney wrote that the email was intended to ask Skiba for two game-used helmets that would “satisfy the requirement of being game-used.”

Free at last, free at last, Lord have mercy Eli is free at last! I guess Eli was always technically free. But who cares? This nonsense is finally over and we can all move on with our lives as people that buy dirty laundry can no longer slander the 2017 NFL Man of the Year.

Again, does this look like the face of a man that would knowingly commit fraud against his fellow man?


Witch Hunt!

As happy as I am that Eli can now focus on football with what will hopefully be an actual offensive line blocking for him and Saquon The Chef ready to cook in the backfield, part of me is sad on all the hilarious nuggets we would have learned about him. The one thing I learned from this case is that Eli uses an AOL email address, which I guess is the least shocking thing ever when you think about it. But I’d love to know what else Eli’s day-to-day life consists of when he’s on the computer. Is he still playing Snood? Does he go to eBaumsworld to get some laughs off? AND WHAT WAS HIS AIM SCREEN NAME? DO WE HAVE ANY OLD AWAY MESSAGES OR PROFILES? I NEED TO KNOW THIS!

In the end, we will never know. Eli settled out of court, which is just as good as an innocent verdict in my mind. Yeah Johnny Q. Law will say that’s not the case. But fuck that hardo and his weird middle initial. Eli is free, his mind is at ease, and he has one of if not the most exciting arsenal of weapons in the NFL at his disposal as he enters the stretch run of his career*. Lets fucking roll!

And to all the Haters out there, I got one Vine for ya!

*Stretch run is a fancy way to say the tail end of Eli’s career, but with a lot less sting. I’m revving up the spinzone now just in case we need it until Kyle Lauletta becomes Jimmy G 2.0