Neil deGrasse Tyson Broke Down Just How Insanely Rich Jeff Bezos Is
Happy Monday! Just in case you weren’t depressed enough after spending all your money in stupid shit over the weekend, here comes Neil deGrasse Tyson breaking down just how rich Jeff Bezos is and just how poor the rest of us are. I like NDT a lot but did he really have to do this? Sometimes Tyson will tweet things that I just don’t need to know. We already knew that Bezos was mega rich. I don’t have to know how many miles 130 billion dollars can travel. But now that we do know, I guess I’m impressed. Honestly, 130 billion dollars is so much money that it’s not even money anymore. At a certain point you cross a threshold where it doesn’t even matter anymore. Bezos was looking at that threshold in the rearview mirror a few billions ago. Jeff Bezos is so rich that he’s taken money completely out of the equation. He can just walk around as a free man. What a life.
For those wondering at home, my money, when laid end-to-end, wouldn’t make it to the 7-Eleven around the corner. It might not make it far enough out onto the sidewalk to hail a cab. There’s also a type of freedom that comes when you have almost no money. I know because I live that freedom every day.