
Don't Worry, UFC Fighter Mike Perry Says It's Okay For Him To Use The N-Word Because A DNA Test Showed That He Is 2% African

One month removed from their biggest superstar ever getting arrested for throwing a dolly through a bus window, and two weeks removed from the signing of Greg Hardy, one of the UFC's face-tatted fighters - who is very white - posted a series of videos where he was singing songs featuring the N-word in his car, followed up by a video explaining that he's allowed to because of a DNA test that proved he was 2% African. I can't really tell if he's joking or not, because of how idiotic he naturally is, but I feel like it doesn't even really matter in this case. You're a white dude dropping N-bombs and refusing to apologize for it. Noooooooooooot great, Bob. Noooooooooooot great.


I'm all for having "heels" in the UFC, but do I think you can attain heat without using racial slurs.