
NBA Finals Preview As Told Through Magic Johnson Tweets

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Here we go, NBA Finals start tonight. If you haven’t watched any basketball this year don’t worry, this Finals matchup was basically decided all the way back in March. How? When Magic Johnson tweeted that the only way one of these teams doesn’t win if neither of them makes it, well they both made it, so Magic is batting 1.000% so far. Anyway, to break down the matchup, let’s go back to Magic (who I’m pretty sure is also Siri) and see what we’ve got.



How did the Heat get here?


Great question. According to Magic, it was Defense.


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But what does Defense do? Another great question. Great defense leads to misses and misses lead to fastbreaks, nobody can beat the Heat when they do fastbreaks therefore by deductive reasoning no one can beat the Heat when they play great Defense. Almost as if Defense wins Championships, but not really because that’s not a saying anyone actually says.

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Hey but don’t the Heat also have a guy named Lebron? Isn’t he good. Oh you bet your ass he is, not only good but a great leader too, that’s important.


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And D-Wade? Yup, him too, can’t forget about D-Wade or his mom for that matter.

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Whoa, both of those guys seem really fucking good. What happens when they both play awesome together? Well guys, that means other players get open shots. Which equals points and points equals wins.


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But if you had to sum up the Eastern Conference Final in one sentence what would you say Magic?


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And there you have it. When your team is better both offensively and defensively you will usually wind up winning.



How did the Spurs get here?


The Spurs journey was a little different than the Heat. They weren’t better both offensively and defensively but they do pass well.

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But that’s not to say Defense wasn’t important. They also had to keep the Thunder out of the paint because when you get shots in the paint they’re high percentage and high percentage shots are bad.



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Good thing they have Pop at coach, guy makes great adjustments


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Also a key factor to this series was the Spurs shot better than the Thunder. Again, when you shoot better you’re going to score more and remember, if you score the most, you win.


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Finally, the Spurs also have a Lebron/D-Wade type player, his name is Tim Duncan and he’s the greatest power forward ever.


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So now that we’re all caught up, let’s get to the Finals matchup, what are we looking at?


Well for starters they’re the 2 best teams and organizations

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Actually, there are a lot of bests going on in this Finals. Just take a look



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Just the best everything. It’s almost as if these two teams are the best because they’re the last two teams standing and therefore are really good at basketball and being the best at things. Maybe, I don’t know.


Also, these two teams don’t like each other, almost as if they have history, like a heartbreaking 7 game series for one of them last year.


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And there you have it. Your Magic Johnson preview to the NBA Finals. In summation, score points, play defense, be the best and you will probably win, but maybe not because the other team will most likely be doing that as well.