
Coley's SeatGeek Ad or Dr Dre Music Video? You Be The Judge

I fell asleep pretty early last night and wound up missing all of the happenings online – the playoffs, the midnight “May the 4th” messages, the “u up?” texts, the misogyny-riddled serious and definitely not joking blog that Keith wrote – all of it. Worst of all though, I missed Coley, Tyler, and Lightswitch Lou coming to us live from the Celtics/Sixers game, basically on the fuckin’ bench courtesy of our friends at SeatGeek. Coley, the most monotone diehard fan Boston has ever seen, was losing his mind, Tyler had to sit through his Sixers taking a tough L (but his Celtics came out on top so it wasn’t all bad), and Lou…Lou was Lou!

As I was catching up on all of this action of Barstool’s Instagram story from bed this morning, I happened to accidentally mute my phone just as Coley was giving out the SeatGeek promo code and I could’ve sworn he and Tyler were features in a Dr Dre music from right outside the stadium. The Mick Man rolled up on that camera with all the hand motions, swag, and flow you need to be the Master of Mixology, and even had Tyler droppin’ his ad libs!


I mean, folks, the proof is in the pudding…

Unbelievable. I love the Mickstape boys so much. Make sure to check out the FOUR HOUR LONG podcast they recorded on the train up to Boston, it’s a doozy.