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The Time Has Come For Drake To Get Beat Up

So even before Drake got into a fight with Kendrick Perkins last night he was bothering me. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s cool that he goes to all the Raptor playoff games. I respect how he lives and breaths Raptor basketball. But just because you are a famous that doesn’t give you the right to be a total jackasss. I mean this dude was standing up in the front row all game blocking people’s views, wandering into the bench area, getting in the refs faces, and apparently picking fights with the other team. He was OBNOXIOUS on the sidelines. I was already thinking how I’d want to murder him if I sat behind him and that’s before I saw the Perk stuff. Like he is officially on a different planet. He doesn’t think the rules of society apply to him. I mean the dude was literally acting like Perk should be scared of him. Bro you a jewish rapper. Perk would inhale you. You aren’t a player. You are just a fan. At some point all men need to be knocked down a peg and that time has arrived for Drake. He needs to be beaten up. I don’t even hate Drake either. I have Passionfruit on my spotify summer playlist. Guy just needs to be knocked out that’s all.