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Kanye West Is On TMZ Talking About How Slavery Was A Choice And He Loves Trump

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I love a good Kanye twitter rant/mental breakdown/album promo tour as much as the next guy butttttt I think, personally, that claiming slavery was a choice is probably something of a line crosser. It’s like sitting around with your friends and saying fucked up shit just to be funny then someone slips and says something that is way over the line, except there are national TV cameras in front of you and you’re Kanye West. Tweeting MAGA hats? That’s kinda weird but lol classic Kanye. Putting out songs about poopity scooptiy? Lmao goofy as hell. Saying that the imprisonment, raping, murdering, and torturing of a people was up to them? Yeahhhhhhhhhh I’m gonna get off the train here, thanks. There’s saying you’re promoting free thought and won’t be put in a box, then there’s saying 2+2 equals “shoulda just told your master you’re not a slave anymore.”

Shoutout to Kris Jenner, though. I feel like she’s the boogeywoman at this point and people just blame things they don’t understand on her, but when it involves TMZ and Kanye West there is no denying Kris Jenner has some kind of iron in the fire.