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Listening To Shaq and Kenny Smith Debate How to Save Money On Gas Will Scramble Your Brain

Lets go check in on how Ernie Johnson is doing

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How about Chuck?

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And finally…me

Folks I have no idea what just happened in that two minute video. I rewound the tape several times and I’ve got nothing. I think Shaq was trying to say it’s cheaper to only fill up half your gas tank than a full tank which is factually accurate. $40 is actually less than $80. Credit to Shaq for those big facts. What Shaq didn’t pick up was that by filling up only half your gas tank at a time, you thus have to fill it up more frequently and it’ll cost the same at the end of the day. Shaq actually thinks he’s beating the system here and I love it. To be honest I lost countless brain cells just trying to keep up, but that’s what’s great about the late night TNT crew. They’ll talk about the games for 10 minutes, but after that it’s up in the air. We might get into aliens, space flight, Mitt Romney, and even apparently filling up your gas tank.
