
Did We Get Jinxed By Chuck Last Night?




Charles had to have bet on the Hawks last night right? No chance he just went to a playoff hockey game without any chips in the middle. Fuck.


In all seriousness though, last night sucked, we can all agree on that. But let’s look big picture and realize that wasn’t as devastating as a loss can be. Why? Because the Blackhawks won the Cup last year, and they’ll be back right in the hunt next year. Make no mistake, losing on a Game 7 OT goal is brutal, but that’s just playoff hockey. The bounces don’t always go your way, the finality of a game like that is stunning in the moment, how one second it’s back and forth and the next it’s golf clubs time and you’re standing in a shocked arena or bar with that gut wrenching silence. But when you wake up this morning you have to realize that this team will be good for a long time and they gave us a hell of a run these playoffs. Doesn’t mean that loss won’t stick with me for a while, that floating puck over Crow’s shoulder, but it just feels different because this team has enjoyed so much success and you know that this is how hockey works. It’s the hardest trophy to win in sports for a reason. It’s a chin up type of morning not a kill yourself one. Summertime in Chicago, the Cubs and Sox are playing some form of baseball and training camp starts in less than 2 months. This is what I’m telling myself and it’s sort of working (not really).






How far into PTI does Wilbon mention he and Charles went to Gibson’s last night after the game?



Double PS

It could always be worse, you could have been sitting behind this guy last night when the goal went in.