
2016 Documentary Of The Year "Meru" Is Now On Netflix So Go Watch It Immediately

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I don’t know how to explain how good Meru is, but I won’t stop trying. It’s a must-watch. For anyone who has ever doubted themselves, go watch it. If you’ve ever given up on something you want to achieve, go watch it. If you tell yourself in your brain all day every day that you’re going to go home and start going to the gym, start eating healthier, start applying for a new job, quit your job and travel, get out of your comfort zone, or do anything at all that requires that extra step of effort that you psychologically cannot do right now because your brain is holding you back, go watch Meru. I don’t want to give anything away, but when you see what these climbers went through, you’ll begin to believe in yourself too. It’s an amazing documentary, and won my 2016 Documentary of the Year Award. It was in contention for the 2017 Documentary of the Year Award, but that went to “Valley Uprising”.

Meru has just been on Showtime on Demand and I think maybe Amazon, but now it is finally on Netflix for the entire Universe to see. I’ve made a lot of great recommendations in my time, and this is without a doubt the best of them all. You’ll enjoy it at least 8.7/10 or your money back.



PS: The way they sleep in these tents just perched onto the side of mountains is the craziest shit they do. Makes me tremble just thinking about it.

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PS: Also, follow Renan’s dog on Insta. Great follow.