
Did The Governor Of Washington Tell Us The Name Of Seattle's Potential NHL Team?

Q13Fox – “Governor Jay Inslee may have said too much Friday during a statement about a proposed high-speed rail between Seattle and Vancouver, B.C.

In the brief remarks, Inslee referred to Seattle’s potential new NHL hockey franchise as the “Totems.”

“We cannot wait to get on a high-speed rail line to come up and have the greatest hockey rivalry in North American which is the Seattle Totems versus the Vancouver Canucks,” Inslee said at a press conference announcing a new study that would look into a possible high-speed rail connection between Vancouver, B.C., Seattle and Portland.

In January, Oak View Group, the organization behind the renovation of Seattle’s KeyArena registered 13 possible names for an expansion NHL franchise. The Seattle Totems was one of them.”

The NHL in Seattle is inevitable. It’s only a matter a time before we are seeing games being played at KeyArena. The 10,000 season ticket sales in 12 minutes kind of reassured that as well. But this past Friday, Governor Jay Inslee was making a speech about a potential new high speed rail system between Seattle and Vancouver when he let may have let the new team nickname, the Totems, slip.

So it’s the Totems, eh? Hockey fans (me especially) find a way to complain about everything, so I’m sure they’ll find a way to rip this one. But I really don’t hate it. I mean, of the 13 names the ownership group registered, they could have done way worse.

Seattle Cougars

Seattle Eagles

Seattle Emeralds

Seattle Evergreens

Seattle Firebirds

Seattle Kraken

Seattle Rainiers

Seattle Renegades

Seattle Sea Lions

Seattle Seals

Seattle Sockeyes

Seattle Totems

Seattle Whales

Personally, I would have liked the Kraken. I think that’s a badass name. But the Rainiers? The Sockeyes? What are we doing here Seattle. It would almost be stupid to not pick Totems because it’s one of the only normal names on the list and it has history in Seattle.

The Totems was the name of one of the previous professional hockey teams to play in Seattle in the late 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. The Totems played in the WHL, winning the championship three times in 1959, 1967 and 1968 so there is clearly a little hockey history with the Totem nickname.