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A Wrong Text Went Viral And Ended Up Raising Over $40,000 For A Child With Cancer

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So here’s the thing- I saw this Tweet go viral last week, and I thought about blogging it, but I never did. Didn’t think there was quite enough juice behind it. Then much to my amazement, I woke up this morning, slightly tired, and saw this Tweet going viral again. I did a double-take because rarely do these sorts of tweets get much play for more than 24-48 hours, nevermind a week later. But then I read the reason it was viral again and I was floored:

NY Post - A young woman was looking for feedback about a dress to wear to her upcoming high school formal and decided to text her friend a photo. But instead of getting the sign-off from her peer, the student received an encouraging response from a Tennessee dad of six.

The hilarious exchange started when Sydney Uselton sent a photo of her in a dress to a number she believed to be her friend’s. Instead, Tony Wood received the text and decided to boost the student’s confidence … with the help of five of his six children.

Though the text exchange ended there, the story didn’t.

The mistaken texts went viral on Instagram and Twitter after Uselton’s friend Mandi Miller published screenshots of the conversation on her social media accounts, bringing attention to Wood’s Facebook page and his 4-year-old son Kaizler’s GoFundMe page.

Kaizler, who was missing in the photo, was diagnosed with pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2015. The GoFundMe page was set up to raise funds for his cancer treatments.

Since the story of the mistaken text went viral, the page has received hundreds of donations. As of Monday afternoon, 917 people had made contributions, bringing the amount up to $26,165 — $16,165 more than the family’s goal of $10K.

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The fucking universe, man! What a day for the universe! One wrong text with a happy, positive response later, and over $40,000 has been raised for a kid with cancer. And leave your woke conspiracy theories at home. I’ve read some people who think it’s all fake and what have you, and I have no time for that. Not today. Just believe in something good or shut your yapper. Over $40,000 has been raised for a 4 year old with cancer, you can’t beat that. Shout out to Kaizler, what a beast.

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