
Why Are People Freaking Out Over Starting Extra Innings With A Runner On Second Base At The Minor League Level?

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Jesus Christ, people. Get a fucking hold of yourselves. IT’S MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL! Do you even WATCH minor league baseball?? No. No, you more than likely do not. And even if you did, who the fuck cares who wins the games? You go to minor league baseball games for promotional giveaways and a ballpark experience that doesn’t cost five hundred dollars. Maybe see a prospect or two in your team’s organization or from an outside rival. Even the biggest baseball hardos on earth don’t care about wins and losses in minor league baseball.

If people are freaking out because they think that this rule is a precursor to it appearing at the major league level, then that’s a different story, but I don’t know why MLB would even deem that to be necessary. There isn’t some epidemic of extra inning games popping up over the last few years, so there’s no need for that rule to ever make it up to the big leagues. In the minor leagues, though, it makes plenty of sense. Why? Because, like we said, the minor leagues is not about wins and losses — it’s about player development.

In a long ass major league game that goes into the 11th, 12th or beyond, you’ve got players being optioned down the next day and you’re calling up fresh arms to your 25-man roster. That’s just not necessary at any level below the big leagues. Put a runner on second base to start extras in the minors, get the game over with and protect the young, developing players. Pretty simple concept as it pertains to the rule’s usage in the minors, but keep that rule FAR, far away from the majors. It’s just not necessary. Leave the game alone and let the boys grind out their dubs.