
The Old "Goal Or No Goal?" Fucks The Bruins Square In The Corn Hole Once Again

I mean, that thumbnail above from the goddamn NHL itself shows it all. While in the crease, Zach Hyman knocks Charlie McAvoy into Tuukka Rask. The bump takes away Rask’s ability to get into position to make the save on Ron Hainsey’s shot. It’s pretty much textbook goaltender interference. The home announcers knew it, the road announcers knew it. Toronto-leaning websites knew it.

The goalie knew it.


Shit, even the rulebook knows. Rule 69.1 (not so nice in this case):

If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.

To be honest, once I remembered the game was in TO, I had a bad feeling they’d allow the goal. And then I saw that dipshit Tim Peel and it wasn’t in doubt.

So instead of a likely exciting OT given how good this potential 1st round preview between the Bruins and Leafs was, Shanny, Lou, and Babcock get a gift from just up the street and the Bs get fucked. And the consistent inconsistency of goalie interference calls continues on.

They just better clean that shit up before they fuck somebody out of a Stanley Cup.

Oh, and this isn’t helpful either. Injury to insult. But he did finish the game.