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Florida Tackles the Major Threat to the Safety of Its Citizens: Porn


Sun SentinelPornography is being declared a health risk by the Florida Legislature.

The state’s House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote Tuesday, despite some members asking why the topic is being taken up at this time. The resolution was sponsored by Rep. Ross Spano, who is running for attorney general.

Spano said there’s research showing a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography. …

Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith asked Spano if pornography has killed or physically injured anyone. He went one step further in asking Spano if pornography has caused any first responders to seek counseling.

Spano said he did not know.  … [Smith said] “I’m not aware there’s a base of voters who are losing sleep every night over the epidemic of pornography as a public health crisis.”

I want to make this clear: I will die before I let my day and this website degenerate into the 10 billionth debate about gun violence. Nobody comes here to argue about the need to do “something,” safety vs. freedom, the Constitution vs. individual rights and all that. Least of all me. You can get your fix on that elsewhere. A hard, hard pass from me.

This is about something we can all agree on: Politicians are the worst. Timid, sniveling little opportunists looking for some low-hanging fruit they can pick to pander to the masses at all time. So with the bloodstains still not out of the carpets at a Florida high school and hundreds of survivors traumatized with wounds that might never heal, the worthless, ineffectual twats in the legislature decide it’s now’s perfect moment to tackle the issue of our times.

Porn. Yup. That’s the threat that’s destroying us all. The physical and mental illnesses caused by porn. The crisis caused by our inability to form and maintain intimate relationships is a Clear and Present Danger that needs to be addressed, and we mean now. Of course “deviant sexual behavior” is a new invention. It never existed before consenting adults began giving us unlimited access to titles like “Amateur MILF Cucks Husband” and “Babysitter Does Stepdad.” Before free internet porn, life in Florida was all one big episode of 7th Heaven and lust hadn’t been invented yet.

Do I think teenagers ought to be exposed to porn? Of course not. I’m not a maniac. Do I think they are exposed to porn? Of course I do. I’m not delusional. If there’s a parent in the world capable of setting the controls to filter content on their kids phones, laptops and tablets, I have yet to meet that person. But that’s on the parents. So what exactly does the Florida legislature think they are going to do to put that toothpaste back in the tube? It’s already illegal for minors to watch adult content. So what do they plan to do? Outlaw the internet? And if you think that less than 100 percent of those reps and senators don’t watch porn themselves, you’re living in a dream world.

Again, this is not at all about gun laws. This is about the duplicitous, opportunistic weaklings we elect to run this place. And as long we keep voting for them, we get what we deserve.
