
Michael Rapaport Is A Fraudulent Sack Of Shit: Part III, The Final Chapter

MUST READ: Michael Rapaport Is A Fraudulent Sack Of Shit – Part I

MUST READ: Michael Rapaport Is A Fraudulent Sack Of Shit – Part II

WOW. What a morning. What a month. What a life. I don’t want to rub it all in, but this lying, fraud, hack of a human can go sit on a million fists riddled with the plague. Some of us hated this fraud before it was cool, and you can go back through all our timelines from last night to realize why. In the end, it doesn’t matter. Just another casualty of war. Bless our leader LPres for doing the right thing. Barstool Vs. The World.

PS – Can I have my Fantasy Football podcast back now? Kidding but 100% not kidding.