
Tiger Woods Lists His Former Daily Training Regimen And It's Absolutely Insane

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Tiger presser today and he drops this. Little question about how he’s got less time nowadays than before and he goes into all this detail about how he dragged himself through Navy SEAL Hell Week every single day to prepare for playing golf.

“Hey Tiger you don’t have the time you used to have to prepare is that fair to say?”

“Well every single day I used to run 4 miles then lift then hit balls for 3 hours then play golf then grind on my short game then run 4 miles then play tennis against anyone who wanted to play tennis then play basketball against anyone who wanted to play basketball then climb Mount Everest then walk on the moon then hit a couple putts before bed but that was then and this is now so no I do not have the same time now, no.”

And honestly I’m all here for it. Imagine committing this much to ANYTHING? Imagine if you were that wholesomely committed to being as good at your job as humanly possible? Not just doing your job as often as possible but actually doing every single thing imaginable to improve your body and your mind and your spirit and your soul* so that you’re the best doer of your job on planet earth? Tiger was committed to THAT* all day, every day, every week, every month, every year, all year for over a decade just to play golf. To be the best at golf. To perfect his golf game. To be able to waltz up to the range and hit 9 different types of shots with every single club in the bag on command. To be able to hit the 100 yard sign, the 125 sign, then the 150 sign on command. To win the Masters by 12 and the US Open by 15 and the 2008 US Open on a broken leg and torn ACL.

You match unbelievable talent with that regimen and, yeah, Tiger Woods was Tiger Woods for a reason. Now he’s Tiger Fusion Woods and boy oh boy am I excited to see who this new man pans out to be.

*I know what you’re thinking: where in the schedule did he do all the chicks?
