
The Disaster Artist aka Tommy Wiseau Is Trying To Cuck Joaquin Phoenix And Play The Joker Instead

Last week news broke that Joaquin Phoenix was next in line to play The Joker and well, not so fast my demented friends! Tommy Wiseau, director/writer/producer/STAR of The Room, didn’t hear no damn bell and folks, you better believe he’s scheming for a fat slice of that laughing gas pie.

And with how hot The Diaster Artist has been in awards season already, he may just have the momentum to influence a difference here. Keep in mind… This man is an INTERNATIONAL star now, like seriously have respect idiots. Who can really argue that this isn’t the role he was born to play?

It all matches up so perfectly for him too. Well aside from it being an “origin story” in the 80’s with a young buck Joker, that’s a minor setback. Granted no one truly knows Tommy’s real age but white clown paint or not, skin flaps don’t lie. So in the unfortunate case that he can’t be true American villain, I’m more than happy to throw my purple hat in the ring as well.

There’s only so many paths out there for unstable individuals like myself, so I figure this is probably the road of least resistance for me. I think I can provide a lot to the project and most of all I’d just like to request that we avoid using any forehead tattoos, because those are fucking absurd. In a bad way.

Ah Ha Ha Ha… And if you disagree with any of this, leave your stupid comments to yourself!


PS: Was that “Ah Ha Ha Ha” a Joker or Tommy laugh? The world may never know…