
The New Deadpool 2 Trailer Featuring Cable Is The Perfect Thing To Watch If You Had Your Heart Ripped Out Last Night

For anyone that woke up like I did this morning, with a hangover despite not drinking an ounce of booze last night, this video is the perfect pick-me-up. Wade Wilson’s one-liners, Cable fucking shit up, a nice green screen zing toward the Justice League’s mustache fiasco, and action figure Deadpool teabagging the living hell out of action figure Cable while wearing a Woody outfit (#TeamWood, #FuckBuzzLightyear) was exactly what I needed to watch to start my day.

Is it Mount Rushmore or Power Rankings Season? I know it’s not summer, but football season just ended. Regardless, I think Deadpool is in my Top 4 superhero movies just because of how great of an overall movie it is. It is hilarious, has a good story, fun action scenes, and the holiday sex scene has to be a first ballot inductee to the Movie Hall of Fame. 2018 has some huge movie releases scheduled, but based on the performance of the original, I think I am most looking forward to Deadpool 2 (as long as Disney didn’t somehow fuck it up in the very brief time since they bought 20th Century Fox). Other movies may be funny, action-packed, or have great effects. But Deadpool 2 will have all that along with Ryan Reynolds cracking wise and Josh Brolin crushing skulls as Cable. Seeing a total package like that is like seeing a unicorn in the wild.

*Rereads last sentence, starts to sob uncontrollably*

You know what? I’ve been going through a huge “What A Feeling” phase lately and after seeing that poster, I’m turning my frown back upside down right now.