
Malcolm Butler's Insta Post Confirms Everything I Said Earlier

Butler IG

I know Feitelberg already posted this. But lost in the controversy of Brady’s “like” is the much larger point Malcolm Butler is making. That what I said earlier today is spot on. That all the wild rumors and speculation about him smoking weed, staying out late, missing the team bus to the stadium, sitting out because his agent told him to and running around with hookers, which are all among the crazy shit I’ve heard and read, are nonsense. Belichick didn’t sit him down for an entire game for disciplinary reasons. He wasn’t serving detention. This wasn’t punishment duty. And like he wrote, to say otherwise is unfair to him and his family. Which is why I never posted any of them.

Right or wrong (and to be clear I say WRONG all day long) Belichick made what he considered to be, just like he told us in the postgame, a football decision. It wasn’t about ego or sending messages. Like I reported earlier, Belichick felt Butler was not on the same page as everyone else. There were conflicts between him and the coaches all week. They felt he wasn’t mentally ready. And Belichick trusted the other corners more. To his detriment because they were terrible.

So Brady liked a heartfelt, sincere, high road, farewell Insta message by a teammate expressing his appreciation for his time in New England and specifically his respect for Coach Belichick. His words, not mine. And you’ll have to pardon me if I don’t think that means Brady is starting a mutiny. Though I have no doubt that’s how it’ll be spun all across the galaxy.

But this is the times we’re living in. That’s the Patriots, 2017-18. This is just more weirdness in a season that continues to be Bananaland. I guess I wouldn’t have it any other way. But remember that Butler didn’t do anything to be punished for.

I just can’t believe we went from “Malcolm GO!” to this in just three years.

Malcolm Butler
