Kuwaitian Government Forcing Health Officials To Perfect Gaydar
KUWAIT – Health officials in Kuwait say they may soon use “stricter” clinical screening of expatriates to “detect gays” and ban them from entering the country. Homosexuality is banned in Kuwait and punishable by up to 10 years in prison, Gulf News reported.
“Stricter” measures, eh Kuwait? Doctors are probably going from a finger to a fist to a ferret, not that there’s anything wrong with that. But no matter what their bullshit methods are to outing fellow Kuwaitis, there are many more efficient, cost effective ways to detect gayness. For females, are they exceptional at golf and have a haircut similar to what you sported in the 3rd grade? For males do they willingly order Mike’s Hard Lemonade at the bar or root for the Dallas Cowboys? For both sexes do they have a blog about sports where 90% of the material is about Justin Bieber? These are simple, effective tools to decipher ones ability to putt from the rough.
Either that or contact Dwight Schrute. Only man in the world with a working gaydar detector.