
There Is Apparently A Rugrats Parody Porn Named "Tugrats", Which Is Proof That We Are All Currently Living In Hell

My official response to this: Nope. Nope. Nooooooooooooope. Nope.

My official response to this in GIF form:

I am sure there are sick fucks in this world that will say “Oh don’t be such a soft bitch, Clem. The characters are full-grown adults in the porn despite wearing their kids clothes and Tommy apparently wearing a diaper.”

My response to that: Again, nope.

I thought humanity was doomed when news of Red Panda’s unicycle getting stolen broke. And then less than 24 hours later, I learned about a Rugrats parody porn. They say life isn’t black and white but instead a different level of grays. But those two stories are levels of black so dark, even the best HDTV can’t show them (Shout out to everyone who ever bought an HDTV and did hours of research about fucking black levels).

I have been out on all kinds of parody porn for years just because they always make me feel weird. And as if it needed to be said, I am out on Tugrats too. To be honest I am almost out on porn altogether after hearing about this movie, which cannot be healthy for a married father of (almost) two. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to bash myself over the head with a metal bat so I can give myself amnesia and forget ever seeing that video.

h/t AV Club for bringing this evil into my life.