
Biggest Takeaway From The Donald Sterling Press Conference, Lisa Guerrero Is Still Alive, And Everything You May Have Missed

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Big time blast from the past right there. Good to see Lisa is alive and (somewhat) well.



Also, if you couldn’t watch the press conference, here is what you missed.


Adam Silver still looks creepy as fuck.


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This guy showed up in a Seinfeld puffy pirate shirt.


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Warren Sapp thinks all Jews are the same.


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Adam Silver told everyone about all his black friends.



And ultimately Donald Sterling now has a lifetime ban and will have to sell his franchise for a BILLION dollars, totally sucks for him. Can’t stand when someone forces me to make a trillion percent profit on my investment.




The fact that Silver didn’t put on the V Stiviano welding mask as he walked off stage was a HUGE miss on his part