
Presidential Physician Says Trump Is Basically The Healthiest Person Ever

NY PostPresident Trump is in top shape mentally and physically and is fully capable of carrying out his duties — but his hair is falling out, according to Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician.

“His health is excellent right now,” Jackson said at a White House press briefing, adding that he had “no concerns” about the president’s cognitive abilities.

Trump, who is 6-foot-3 and weighs in at 239, needs to eat less fat and get more exercise, but his heart rate, blood pressure and internal organs all checked out A-OK, said Jackson.

He said Trump takes a statin for cholesterol, an aspirin for his heart — and a dose of Propecia, which is used for the treatment of male pattern hair loss.

Jackson said he sees Trump in the White House daily and has never seen signs of mental illness.



I know what you’re thinking — so important to note:

Regardless, the internet is VERY skeptical of Trump’s weigh-in.


I have no idea why but I believe Trump is a pretty healthy dude. I just do. I’m buying what they’re selling. I trust Doc Jackson. Yeah sure Trump’s a little big, but the guy’s a 71-year-old who loves McDonald’s (nothing wrong with that). Of course he’s going to be a little bigger. Just seems pretty energetic and alert. You can disagree with him. You can hate his tweets. You can hate the way he conducts himself. But if you’re shitting on the presidential physician here then you’re just a hater.

For you West Wingers out there — Dr. Ronny Jackson pulled an Arnold Vinick and pretty much nailed it.