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Fake Black Chick Rachel Dolezal Tries To Combat H&M's Racist Hoodie By Selling Her Own Racist Hoodie


THe Grapevine – Rachel Dolezal is now selling “protest” hoodies to counter H&M’s “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle” hoodie that went viral for all the wrong reasons. And it’s because her own son was called a monkey in school. Or because she wants to make a fast buck. Dolezal, a formerly Caucasian woman (JFC, do I have to spell our s-a-r-c-a-s-m here?), never fails when it comes to attempting to make a profit from black pain. But not everyone is pleased with Dolezal’s choice of words on the hoodie. “Don’t you think Hood sounds almost as bad from what I’ve seen and heard when people talk about the hood they are talking about a bad area maybe something a little cheerful like block or town,” stated one person on Instagram. Another commenter didn’t understand how the hoodie was a “protest” hoodie and questioned Dolezal’s motives: “I have a hard time seeing how this is a protest hoodie. What results do you expect this to get that will benefit the greater community and not just your pockets!?! I hate to question this because I’m sure it does hit home, but the timing and the verbiage on your hoodie seems no less offensive than what H&M did. It don’t sit well with me,” the commenter stated. Of course the profits from the hoodie will line Dolezal’s profits because, let’s face it, it’s not as if she’s stating that proceeds will go toward an organization with a worthwhile cause, you know—like the NAACP. Instead, Dolezal states on her website, “All proceeds from sales on my website go directly to providing for the 3 coolest princes in my household (my 3 black sons)… just in case anyone was wondering.”

So just to recap: a white woman who pretends to be black basically because she thinks being black is cool, is offended by H&M selling hoodies that are offensive to black people, and is now selling her own hoodies which arguably are just as disrespectful? And just blatantly admitting shes gonna keep the money? Its absolutely stunning how preposterous this woman is.

As far as the racial confusion, shes in second place right behind Mike Tirico running around town telling everyones he’s an I-Talian from Queens. And as far as the hoodies, she’s as opportunistic as Lavar Ball. The double entendre with the wording…the timing…the publicity…it would all bring a tear to Lavar’s eye. And as far as the tone deaf nature…the financial bullying and selfishness…well only POTUS does it better. So, yes shes the most insufferable woman this side of Lena Dunham. Yea, I’m pretty sure every single move she’s ever made makes her more racially insensitive than I am. But I think you gotta just tip your cap to this idiot. She should just be an irrelevant white woman and instead shes a viral black woman. Congrats. I guess?