
I'm Swooning Over Prince Harry And Megan Markle's Engagement Photos

We might have a few tough guys around here who try and put me down for saying this, but I don’t care. I’m in love with the love in these pictures. They are ADORABLE. I’ve looked at them for twenty minutes with an ear to ear smile because I like looking at two beautiful people who are infatuated with each other.

I feel like people think these kinds of pictures are lame but I couldn’t disagree more. Engagement photos, Christmas card photos, all of that shit I love it. Show me you being happy and it makes me happy. Does that make me soft? Perhaps. Don’t care though, this shit is adorable. Look at those pics and tell me you don’t want to run out and get engaged right now, you can’t do it because it would make you a liar. I want to go to propose to some lady on the street just to take pics like this, maybe mix in a sepia tone. Just a beautiful, happy couple being beautiful and happy, if you’re not into that then get your head checked.