
China Is Now Trying To Get Rid Of All Porn On The Internet, Continues To Be Worst Place To Live In The World



(Source) The new campaign appears to represent a further tightening of the screws, part of a bid to bend the Web to the will and values of the Communist Party — to ensure, in the words of blogger Zhang Jialong, that “party organs, and not the Chinese grass roots, have the loudest voice on the country’s Internet.” “As social conflicts intensify, particularly between Chinese officials and the people they are supposed to serve, central authorities hope to clamp down, clean up, and suppress any so-called ‘harmful information’ that is disadvantageous to their dictatorship,“ he wrote on the Tea Leaf Nation Web site. The drive, to “sweep out porn, strike at rumors,” will run from mid-April until November, the party’s news portal Seeking Truth declared this week. Chinese American investor and blogger (Charles) Xue Manzi embodies, in the Communist Party’s eyes, the twin evils of moral degeneracy and dissent — and the dangers of Western values.

His 14-minute confession for spreading rumors online and visiting prostitutes was broadcast on China Central Television on Wednesday to reinforce the campaign message, four hours after he was released on bail. Xue was arrested in August on charges of hiring a prostitute, and a first, similar confession was broadcast a few weeks later. “I lived in the United States for 34 years,” Xue said in this week’s confession, wearing a green prison vest and clutching a red-covered copy of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. “I think Western culture had a profound effect on me,” he said. “When it came to engaging in orgies, the alarm did not go off in my head.” Xue, whose liberal posts had won more than 12 million followers on the Sina Weibo microblogging site, also expressed regret about causing losses to a fish farm by posting that its water contained mercury.




For the first time ever I’m legitimately afraid of China. Why? Because no porn means only one thing, it means a bunch of pent up anger and pissed off chinese people looking to start a fight. You’ve seen it ten trillion times. When do most fights happen at the bar? Right around closing time when any guy who hasn’t picked up a girl looks around and realizes he struck out and has to go to the next option. A night at the bar ends in either sex, fight, or pizza and last I checked China has no pizza and now their government is taking away porn so basically their entire country is a bunch of  drunk meat heads at 2 am looking to show their machismo*.  Not a good scene for the rest of the world, not a good scene at all.





How about this blogger guy Xue


“I think Western culture had a profound effect on me,” he said. “When it came to engaging in orgies, the alarm did not go off in my head.”


Oh I’m sorry dude, you just had SO many orgies in America that it became second nature? Sick brag.




*Just kidding about the drunk part, chinese people can’t drink.